All About the Freaks in the History of Circus

Hey everyone!

Hugh JackmanWelcome to our latest blog series on "All about the Freaks in the History of Circus". So, you must be wondering why the sudden interest in circus freaks? Well if you have seen the movie "The Greatest Showman" recently, then you would probably know why (hint: Hugh Jackman in a uniform). But for real though, we recently visited a very "special" section in our college library and guess what we found? No, unfortunately we did not find a book on how to make Horcruxes BUT we did find a lot of interesting books on Circus history and that obviously made us start these blog series because C'MON, it would be a dire sin not to share all that we learned about those circus freaks with you guys! This is going to be biweekly blog series and we will post interesting content on circus history related to circus freaks by the end of each week. So, if you are a curious kind like us or someone who is simply into freaks, stick around!

There are also some great blogs and websites you can follow to stay updated with the circus world.

Until next blog,


  1. Wow interesting topic!! Can't wait to learn more about it.

  2. cool topic. Never really thought about this before. Interested to see where you guys take this

  3. Sounds cool, I am definitely interested in reading about my brother's history. I'll probably stick around to read the articles.


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